Join Our Membership Program


We're excited to invite you to join our Patreon community! By becoming a patron, you'll gain exclusive access to special content, rewards, and behind-the-scenes updates. Your support allows us to continue creating the content you love and helps us grow as creators.

Why Join Patreon?

  • Exclusive Content: Get access to exclusive posts, videos, tutorials, or sneak peeks that we don't share anywhere else.
  • Early Access: Be the first to enjoy our latest creations before they're released to the public.
  • Community Interaction: Join a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for our work. Interact with us and fellow patrons through comments, discussions, and live Q&A sessions.
  • Exclusive Rewards: Enjoy special perks, such as merchandise discounts, personalized shoutouts, or even one-on-one sessions with us.

How to Join:

  1. Click the "Become a Patron" button or visit our Patreon page directly.
  2. Choose a tier that suits you best. Each tier offers different benefits and rewards.
  3. Complete the sign-up process and become an official patron.

Welcome to the Social Media Star tier! As a member, you'll gain exclusive access to my complete library of social media posts, including pictures and captions, that you can use on your own social media channels. With a minimum of 30 new social media posts added each month, you'll never run out of content ideas or struggle to come up with engaging captions again.

As a busy travel agent, I understand the importance of having a strong social media presence to promote your business and connect with potential clients. That's why I've created this tier to help you save time and effortlessly maintain a consistent online presence.

Join me at the Social Media Star tier and take your social media game to the next level!

Welcome to the "Wanderlust Resources" tier, where travel agents like you can access an array of valuable tools to elevate your business. As a member, you'll enjoy all the benefits of the Social Media Star tier, gaining exclusive access to my complete library of social media posts, including captivating pictures and ready-to-use captions.

With a minimum of 30 new social media posts added each month, you'll have a constant stream of engaging content to share on your own social media channels. Say goodbye to the struggle of coming up with fresh ideas or spending hours crafting captions. I've got you covered!

Not only will you receive top-notch social media resources, but you'll also have access to our extensive collection of travel-related blog post PLR content. These professionally written articles cover a wide range of destinations, travel tips, and insider insights. You can personalize and publish them on your website or blog, establishing yourself as an authority in the travel industry.

And let's not forget about the "Done for You" itineraries. Impress your clients with professional-grade travel plans tailored to their preferences. Simply add your personal touch and recommendations to these expertly crafted itineraries and leave a lasting impression.

To ensure you always have fresh and up-to-date resources, we're committed to adding a minimum of 10 new hotels each month to our ever-expanding collection. These hotel descriptions are carefully curated to provide you with valuable information, allowing you to showcase the best accommodation options to your clients.

Join the Wanderlust Resources tier today and unlock a world of tools and resources to enhance your social media presence, captivate your audience, and take your travel business to new heights. With a minimum of 20 new blog posts per month, 10 itineraries per month, and a growing selection of hotel descriptions, you'll always have the latest and greatest resources at your fingertips. Let's make your journey as a travel agent truly unforgettable!

Introducing the exclusive "Journey to Success" tier, a limited opportunity for only 30 ambitious individuals. Embark on an extraordinary voyage towards accomplishing your business goals with us. As a member of this elite tier, you'll gain access to our "Wanderlust Resources" package. This invaluable resource equips you with ready-to-use social media content, captivating blog post PLR, and professional itineraries.

But that's not all—our support goes beyond resources. As part of this tier, you'll also receive a monthly 45-minute coaching call, personalized just for you. During these one-on-one sessions, we'll delve deep into your business aspirations, address challenges, and create tailored strategies to propel you forward.

Together, we'll navigate the ever-changing landscape of business, ensuring you're armed with knowledge, insights, and the motivation to flourish. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or seeking to elevate your travel business, this tier combines invaluable resources and personalized coaching to accelerate your success.

Join the exclusive "Journey to Success" tier today and let's embark on a transformative voyage towards realizing your business aspirations. With Wanderlust Resources and ongoing coaching support, you'll possess the tools and guidance necessary to build a thriving travel business that shines brightly.

Welcome to the "Accelerated Success" tier, an exclusive program designed to propel your business growth to new heights. As a member of this select tier, you'll embark on an intensive journey towards achieving remarkable success.

In addition to the powerful "Journey to Success" package, which includes the invaluable Wanderlust Resources and monthly coaching calls, we're thrilled to offer you an enhanced level of support and guidance. Not only will you receive the four monthly coaching calls, but you'll also have the advantage of accessing our expertise through email.

With this additional email access, you can send us your questions, challenges, or goals, and expect a response within 24 hours. This ensures that you have ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey, allowing you to maintain momentum and make informed decisions at every step.

To maintain a personalized and impactful experience, the "Accelerated Success" tier is limited to only 10 patrons. This exclusivity ensures that each member receives our undivided attention and tailored support, fostering a close-knit community of ambitious entrepreneurs on the path to accelerated success.

If you're ready to supercharge your business growth and join this exclusive group, the "Accelerated Success" tier is your gateway to an unparalleled coaching experience. Seize this opportunity, embrace the transformative journey, and unlock your true potential for extraordinary success.


Our coming soon tier, the "Launchpad to Success" program, an exclusive opportunity designed specifically for travel agents who have been in the industry for three months or less. This comprehensive package is tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by budding travel entrepreneurs like yourself.

As a member of the "Launchpad to Success" program, you'll gain access to all the incredible features of our "Journey to Success" tier, and more. We understand that the early stages of building a travel agency can be overwhelming, which is why this program is carefully crafted to provide you with the essential tools and guidance to accelerate your growth.

You'll receive two 45-minute personalized coaching calls per month, exclusively focused on addressing the specific challenges and opportunities you encounter as a new travel agent. These one-on-one sessions will delve deep into your goals, help you navigate industry nuances, and develop strategies for rapid progress, all tailored to your unique circumstances.

During your sign-up month, you'll also enjoy an extended one-hour coaching call to lay a strong foundation for your business success. We'll work closely with you to outline your vision, establish a roadmap, and provide invaluable insights to kickstart your journey in the travel industry.

To ensure ongoing support, you'll have the advantage of sending one email per week to Stephanie, our dedicated travel expert. Stephanie will be there to address your pressing questions, offer guidance on travel trends, marketing strategies, and assist in creating exceptional travel experiences for your clients, helping you stay on track during these crucial early months.

As an additional bonus, you'll receive our exclusive "Six Weeks to Build Your Travel Business" ebook download. This comprehensive guide is specifically tailored to new travel agents, packed with actionable steps, expert tips, and practical strategies to fast-track your business growth within a six-week period.

Join the "Launchpad to Success" program today and seize this transformative opportunity crafted exclusively for travel agents like yourself. With personalized coaching calls, dedicated email support, and our comprehensive ebook, you'll have the ultimate toolkit to launch your travel agency towards unparalleled success. Don't miss your chance to thrive in the competitive travel industry—secure your spot now and prepare to soar.

Please note that the "Launchpad to Success" program is limited to only 14 slots, so secure your spot now to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.

Your support means the world to us. It allows us to dedicate more time and resources to create the content and projects you're passionate about. Thank you for joining our Patreon community!

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at
